Castle of Myrina
Built by Byzantium at the beginning of the 12th century, it is the largest fortress in the Aegean. Easily accessible, it gives visitors the opportunity to see the walls up close and also enjoy the wonderful view of Myrina from there.
Ammothines or Pachies Ammoudies
North of Lemnos, 3 km from the village of Katalakkos, near Gomati beach are Ammothines or Pachies Ammoudies (Thick Sand Dunes). It is about 70 acres of sandy hills that make up a rare natural landscape that is worth visiting.
Near the village of Propuli, next to the sea is the Faraklou Geological Park. It consists of rock formations created by lava meeting the sea. They are characterized by their spheroid shape, which is why they are also called “fragkokefala”.
Panagia Kakaviotissa
Perhaps the only chapel without a roof in the world is located near the village of Τhanos, about 4 km from Myrina. Its position is imposing and impressive since it was built in a recess of the Kakavos mountain. Its history has been known since the 14th century, when monks from the island of Agios Eustratios settled there to protect themselves from the Ottomans.
Every Tuesday after Easter, the keepers of the icon of Panagia Kakaviotissa bring it in the chapel where a Divine Liturgy is held.